About Us
Meet Our Exceptional Team
Our Team put you, the Customer, first.
Northampton Depot

Anna Whiteside

Will Knaggs
Office-Bod & jack of all trades. Recently single and keeping his options open, apparently. On a health kick that won’t last long.

Jon Sargent

Al Dumbleton
Yard Assistant. Mr Reliable. Appears to be entirely waterproof. Always smiling regardless of what the weather (or Jon) throws at him.

Tash Wilton
Office Manager of 10 years. Reader of small print and filler of forms. Enjoys nothing more than a good overthink. Couldn’t make a good cup of coffee if her life depended on it.

Ollie Whiteside
Sales. Mr Positive Mental Attitude. Two toddlers at home, we think that’s why he is so keen to come to work everyday. Enjoys playing rugby but his knees won’t co-operate.
Leicestershire Depot

Sal Tucker
Director. 25 years at the helm. Always approach with caution and coffee. Queen of numbers and filing. Mad about horses and still chasing her Dressage Dreams.

Bill Palmer

Bob Tucker

Mollie Hatton
Office & Sales. Imported from Buckingham, accent entire. Has a great love for horses but destined for the “farmer’s-wife-life”. Loves baking and often hosts the Sunday Roasts.

Neal Brassington
Driver & Yard. Enjoys giving his knees a good workout with his weekly dancing lessons. Complete pro of Flight-Sim and fairly handy in the garage.

Hattie Lechki